CDA invites applications for the following posts at Capital Hospital on regular basis. Applications on prescribed Performa are invited from suitable candidates possessing qualifications, experience and age limit as mentioned against each post.

Sr # Name of the Post BPS No of  Posts  Required Education

1. Cardiac Surgeon 19 01 ) MBBS or equivalent qualification recognized by Pakistan Medical & Dental council.

ii) FCPS / FRCS or Equivalent qualification recognized by PMDC in Cardiac Surgery.

iii) 07 years clinical experience in the requisite specialty.

Age – 45 years


2. Cardiologist interventional 19 01 i) MBBS or equivalent qualification recognized by Pakistan Medical & Dental council.

ii) FCPS / MRCP or equivalent qualification recognized by PMDC in Cardiology.

iii) 07 year Clinical experience in the requisite specialty.

Age – 45 years


3. Hematologist 19 01 i) MBBS, or equivalent qualification recognized by Pakistan Medical & Dental Council.

ii) Post-Graduate Higher Diploma in Requisite Specialty with seven (7) years Experience in Hematology or Post-Graduate Lower Diploma with 10 years Experience in the Specialty after obtaining post –graduate qualification.

iii) Preference will be given to the candidates in Possession higher diploma in the requisite specialty.

Age – 45 Years


4. Surgeon Urology 19 01 i) MBBS or equivalent qualification recognized by Pakistan Medical & Dental council.

ii) FCPS/FRCS or Equivalent qualification recognized by PMDC in Urology.

iii) 07 year Clinical experience in the requisite specialty.

iv) Age – 45 years

Sindh ( R)

5. Associate Cardiac Anesthetist 18 01 i) MBBS, or equivalent qualification recognized by Pakistan Medical & Dental council.

ii) FCPS / FRCS/ Equivalent qualification recognized by PMDC in Anesthesia.

iii) 05 years clinical experience in the requisite specialty

iv) Age - 35 years


6. Associate Anesthetist 18 01 i) MBBS, or equivalent qualification recognized by Pakistan Medical & Dental council.

ii) FCPS / FRCS or Equivalent qualification recognized by PMDC in Anesthesia.

iii) 05 years clinical experience in the requisite specialty.

 iv) Age - 35 years


7. Registrar Cardiac (Surgery) 18 01 i) MBBS, or equivalent qualification recognized by Pakistan Medical & Dental council.

ii) FCPS/FRCS or equivalent qualification in Cardiac Surgery recognized by PMDC.

iii) 05 years clinical experience in the requisite specialty.

iv) Age – 35 years


8. Associate Cardiac Surgeon 18 01 i) MBBS, or equivalent qualification recognized by Pakistan Medical & Dental council.

ii) FCPS / MRCP/ Equivalent qualification recognized by PMDC in Cardiology.

iii) 03 years experience in the relevant field after post graduation.

iv) Age - 35 years


9. Intensivist 18 01 i) MBBS, or equivalent qualification recognized by Pakistan Medical & Dental council.

ii) FCPS or equivalent qualification in relevant field recognized by PMDC.

iii) 05 years clinical experience in the requisite specialty.

iv) Age – 35 years


10. Associate Cardiologist (Interventional) 18 01 i) MBBS or equivalent qualification recognized by PMDC.

ii) FCPS/ MRCP or equivalent in qualification recognized by PMDC.

iii) 05 years experience in relevant field after Post graduation or 03 years experience in relevant field after post-graduation.

Age – 35 years


11. Associate Pulmonologist 18 01 i) MBBS or equivalent qualification recognized by the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council.

ii) FCPS/MRCP/MD or equivalent qualification in relevant field.

iii) 05 years experience in the relevant field or 03  years experience in relevant field after post- graduation.

Age – 35 Years

Sindh (U)

12. Associate Physician (Internal Medicines) 18 01 i) MBBS or equivalent qualification recognized by the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council.

ii) FCPS,MRCP/MD or equivalent qualification in relevant field.

iii) 05 years experience in the relevant field or 03  years experience in relevant field after post- graduation.

Age – 35 Years


13. Associate (Radiologist) 18 01 i) MBBS or equivalent qualification recognized by the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council.

ii) FCPS,MRCP/MD or equivalent qualification in relevant field.

iii) 05 years experience in the relevant field or 03  years experience in relevant field after post- graduation.

Age – 35 Years

Sindh (R)

 14. Associate Gynecologists 18 01 i) MBBS or equivalent qualification recognized by Pakistan Medical & Dental Council.

ii) Post graduate higher or lower diploma in the requisite specialty with three year or five years respectively in the requisite specialty. Preference will be given to the candidates in possession  of Post graduate higher diploma specialty.

Age – 35 Years


15. Deputy Director (Medical) 18 01 i) MBBS or equivalent qualification recognized by Pakistan Medical & Dental Council.

ii) Post-Graduate Diploma in Public Health, Health Services Administration/Hospital Administration. Preference will be given to the candidates. Possessing higher diploma in the requisite specialty.

iii) 05 years experience in the field of Public Health, Health Services Administration preferably in Hospital Administration or 03 years experience in relevant field after post-graduation.

Age – 35 years


16. Physiotherapist 18 01 i) B.Sc Physiotherapy.

ii) Post Graduate in Physiotherapy(M.Sc. or equivalent)

iii) Five years experience in the relevant field

Age – 35 years


17. Medical Officers 17 56 i) MBBS, or equivalent qualification recognized by PMDC.

ii) One Year House Job.

iii) Preference will be given to those having previous experience in relevant field.

Age – 30 Years Merit – 6

Punjab – 26 Sindh (U) – 6 Sindh (R ) – 9 KPK –4

Baluchistan – 2

AJK – 1

Gilgit Baltistan- 1

Ex-FATA -1

(Newly merged District of KPK)

18. Assistant Anesthetist 17 04 i) MBBS or equivalent qualification recognized by PMDC.

ii) One year house Job.

iii) Preference will be given to those heaving previous experience in relevant field.

Age – 30 Years Merit -1

KPK – 1

Sindh (R) – 1 Sindh (U) - 1

19. Clinical Bio Chemist 17 01 i) M.Sc second class in Bio chemistry with three years experience in the relevant field

Age – 30 Years Ex-FATA -1

(Newly merged District of KPK)

20. Perfusionist 17 01 i) BSc, (Zoology, Chemistry, Nursing etc )

ii) Diploma in perfusion recognized by PMDC

iii) Preference will be given to those heaving previous experience in relevant field.

Age – 30 years.


21. Librarian 16 01 i) A second class degree with diploma in Library Science.

ii) Three years experience in library work with at least 5,000 books. Age- 28 years.


 22. Staff Nurses 16 58 i) BSc. Nursing recognized by Pakistan Nursing Council.

ii) Preference will be given to those having previous experience in the field.

iii) Age= 27 Years


i) Matric with Science

ii) Diploma in General Nursing.

iii) Diploma in Midwifery.

iv) Preference will be given to those having previous experience in the field.

*Note: Higher qualifications /experience will be

preferred. Merit - 11

Punjab –25 Sindh (R) – 6 Baluchistan – 8

AJK – 2

Gilgit Baltistan -1

KPK - 2

Ex-FATA -3

(Newly merged District of KPK)

23. Technologist (Imaging) 16 01 i) B.Sc in Medical Technology or Post Matric Diploma in Radiology.

ii) 03 years Post Qualification experience in or 10 Year relevant Experience.

Age – 27 years


24. Technologist (Catheterization) 16 01 i) B.Sc in Medical Technology

ii) 03 years experience in relevant field. Age – 27 years

Sindh (R )

25. Technologist (Nuclear) 16 01 i) B.Sc (Medical Technology) with  Nuclear Medicine  as Major Subject. Preference will be given to those having experience in the field.

Age – 27 years

Sindh (R )

26. Bio (Medical) Associate Engineer 16 01 ii) 03 years Diploma of Associate Engineering + 01 year Diploma in Biomedical.

iii) Five Years Post Qualification experience in Hospital or Organization as service engineer.

Age – 27 years.


27. Sub Engineer (Electronic) 14 01 i) Matric with science with 3 years diploma Electronic/Bio Medical from recognized Universities.

ii) 03 years experience in the relevant field.

Age – 25 years.


28. Laundry Supervisor 14 01 i) Matric

ii) 10 years experience in the relevant field in a Civil or Armed Forces Hospital.

Age – 35 years


29. Store Keeper. (Bio-Medical) 12 01 i) Intermediate Preferably in Commerce (Second Division)

ii) Five Years experience in the relevant field. Preferably in a hospital.

Age – 25 Years


30. Junior Technician (Dental) 09 01 i) Matric with Science.

ii) Diploma / Certificate in relevant field.

iii) 3 Years Experience in the relevant field. Age – 25 years


31. Junior Technician (Cardiac Anesthesia) 09 03 i) Matric (Science) with diploma in Anesthesia.

ii) Preference will be given to those having experience in relevant field.

Age – 25 years Merit – 01

Punjab – 01 Sindh (U)-01

32. Junior Technician (Cardiac Operation Theatre) 09 03 i) Matric (Science) with diploma in Operation Theatre.

ii) Preference will be given to those having experience in relevant field. Age – 25 Years Merit – 01

Punjab – 01 Sindh (U)-01

 33. Junior Technician (Anesthesia ) 09 02 i) Matric (Science) with diploma in Operation Anesthesia.

ii) Preference will be given to those having higher relevant qualification and experience in the relevant field.

Age – 25 Years

Punjab – 01 ICT-01

34. Junior Technician (Operation Theatre) 09 05 i) Matric (Science) with diploma in Operation Theatre.

ii) Preference will be given to those having experience in relevant field.

Age – 25 Years

Punjab – 01

ICT -04

35. Junior Technician (Sterilization) 09 01 i) Metric (Science) with relevant field from recognized institution /government hospital.

ii) Preference will be given to those having higher relevant qualification and experience in the relevant field.

Age – 25 Years


36. Junior Technician (Endoscopy) 09 02 i) Matric (Science) with diploma /certificate in Endoscopy recognized institution /government hospital.

ii) Preference will be given to those having higher relevant qualification and experience in the relevant field.

Age – 25 Years

Punjab -01

ICT - 01

37. Junior Technician (Echocardiograph y) 09 01 i) Matric (Science) with diploma /certificate in relevant field from recognized institution

/government hospital.

ii) Preference will be given to those having higher relevant qualification and experience in the relevant field.

Age – 25 Years


38. Junior Technician (LHV ) 09 02 i) Matric (Science) with diploma in relevant field

ii) Preference will be given to those having experience in relevant field.

Age – 25 years Punjab – 01

ICT- 01

39. Junior Technician (Medical Transcriptionist) 09 01 i) Matric (Science) with diploma /certificate in relevant field from recognized institution

/government hospital.

ii) Preference will be given to those having higher relevant qualification and experience in the relevant field.

Age – 25 Years


40. Junior Technician (A.S.K Medical) 09 01 i) Matric (Science) with diploma /certificate in relevant field from recognized institution

/government hospital.

ii) Preference will be given to those having higher relevant qualification and experience in the relevant field.

Age – 25 Years


41. Junior Technician (Radiographer ) 09 04 i) Matric (Science) with Diploma in Radiography.

ii) Preference will be given to those having higher relevant qualification and experience in the relevant field.

Age – 25

ICT- 02

Sindh (R) -02

 42. Junior Technician (Dispenser) 09 06 i) Matric with Science.

ii) Diploma/Certificate from recognized institution/Government Hospital in the relevant field

iii) (Higher qualification will be preferred).

iv) Age= 25 Years


Sindh (R) -01

43. Junior Technician (ECG) 09 01 i) Matric with Science.

ii) Diploma/Certificate from recognized institution / Government Hospital in the relevant field

iii) (Higher qualification will be preferred). Age – 25 Years Balochistan

44. Junior Technician (Oxygen) 09 01 i) Matric with Science.

ii) Diploma/Certificate from recognized institution / Government Hospital in the relevant field

iii) (Higher qualification will be preferred). Age – 25 Years AJK

45. Junior Technician (Mid wife ) 09 03 i) Matric (Science) with Diploma/Certificate in Mid- wifery from recognized institution /government hospital.

Age – 25 years ICT -03

46. Junior Technician (Catherization ) 09 01 i) Matric (Science) with Diploma / Certificate in Catherization from recognized institution

/government hospital

Age – 25 years ICT

47. Junior Technician (Blood Bank) 09 01 i) Matric (Science) with Diploma in Lab Technology

ii) Preference will be given to those having higher relevant qualification and experience in the relevant field.

Age – 25 years ICT

48. Junior Technician (Physiotherapy Assistant) Female 09 01 i) Matric (Science) with Diploma in Physiotherapy.

ii) Preference will be given to those having higher relevant qualification and experience in the relevant field.

Age – 25 years ICT

49. Lady House Keeper 07 01 i) Matric with Science.

ii) Diploma in Nursing

iii) Previous experience preferable.

Age: 25 years


50. Telephone Operator 07 01 i) Matric

ii) Three (03) years experience as Telephone Operator in T&T Department OR Civil Organization having exchange of 25 lines OR ex- service man having served in Pakistan Army signal Corp as Telephone Operator

Age – 25 years


51. Head Cook 05 01 i) Middle Pass

ii) Five (05)years Experience as Cook Age – 35 years Local

(Provided that vacancies in such posts shall not be filled less than fifty percent from

amongst the persons domiciled in the ICT)

52. Tailor 05 01 i) Literate

ii) Five (05) years experience as Tailor.

iii) Passing Trade Test Class-I Age – 35 Years


53. Security Guard 05 10 i) Middle Pass

ii) Ex-Service man is preferable Age – 35 years


54. Boiler Attendant 05 02 i) Matric with Science.

ii) 2nd class Boiler Engineering certificate.

iii) Three years experience. Age – 25 years


55. Cook 02 01 i) Literate.

ii) Passing trade test cook class III.

iii) Two years experience in the field in a hostel hotel, or Guest house.

Age – 35 years


56. X-Ray Attendant 01 01 i) Literate.

Age – 25 years -do-

57. Masalchi/Bearer 01 02 i) Primary Passed

ii) 05 years experience in the relevant field. Age: 35 years


58. ECG Attendant

(Female) 01 01 i) Literate

Age= 25 Years -do-

59. OT Attendant 01 01 i) Literate

ii) Previous experience in the field would be an advantage.

iii) Age=25 Years


60. Cleaner 01 04 i) Literate

Age – 35 Years


61. Khakroob 01 07 i) Literate

ii) Age – 35 Years -do-



Name of Post and Serial Number should be mentioned on the left corner of the Envelope and applications with Block Bold Letters.

No TA/DA will be admissible for coming for the Test/interview. Only short-listed candidates will be called for Test/interview.

The candidates working in public sector departments/organizations should send their application through proper channel.

Age relaxation as per government instructions/policy.

All applicable quotas will be observed / calculated from the share of each province / region as per policy.

CDA reserves the right to accept / reject or cancel any application or recruitment process and reduce, increase or abolish any or all the posts without assigning any reasons.

Applicants shall apply directly on the CTSP website. After applying for the posts, applicants are advised to regularly check CTSP website for important announcements/ procedures for Roll Number Slips / Written Test Schedule / Results etc. relating to recruitment against the above posts.

 How To Apply

Application Forms and Online Deposit Slips are available on CTSP, website.

 Apply Now Online

Please download the Application Form along with deposit slip of Rs.10.00/- from CTSP website (, pay the prescribed fee in any of the countrywide online branches of designated Banks or through easy paisa.

The Test Fee is non-Transferable and Non Refundable.

Please use separate form and separate envelop if you wish to apply for more than 1 post.

Last date of submission of Application Form is: 15 Days from the date of publication of this advertisement. Applications received after the closing date will not be entertained.




(Asif Ali Khan)

Deputy Director -III (HRD), CDA.

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